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ElasticSteel Professional Fast Flexibility Training Certification™

Welcome to ElasticSteel Professional Fast Flexibility Training Certification (ES-PFFTC)

Here is what ES-PFFTC will do for you and your clients:

The #1 Benefit of this System is FAST FLEXIBILITY.

The biggest issue with flexibility training is that it's painfully slow. Yes, both "painful" and "slow". One of these is enough to discourage a practitioner but both of these together, is the reason why so many people are still very rigid today.

Some of the latest flexibility gaining techniques such as PNF and Isometric Stretching are a bit faster and not exactly a painless walk in the park. Granted, there are hundreds of books that explain the just mentioned techniques in detail yet, most users are still as tight as they have ever been.

As all of you know here at ElasticSteel we test everything before we present it to you and so we have tested a group practicing the system taught in ES-PFFTC against 4 groups:

  • Yoga practicing group,
  • PNF practicing group,
  • Isometric Practicing group,
  • Regular relaxed (fitness stretches) group.

We tested for 9 ROMs, after 1 month 3 times a week training sessions. (12 sessions)

  • Hip Extension ( Targeting the Hip flexors, with pelvic stabilized, neutral rotation)
  • Hip Flexion (When hip is laterally rotated)
  • Hip Abduction (Sitting Straddle)
  • Hip Flexion (Supine, Straight leg)
  • Shoulder Flexion
  • Shoulder Extension
  • External rotation (At 90 degree abduction)
  • Internal rotation (at 90 degree flexion)
  • Spinal extension (Spinal Flexors Stretch)

The group practicing the system taught in ES-PFFTC has shown much greater improvement than the other 4 groups. At the same time very little soreness and discomfort was reported.

If you ever read a basic text in sports or exercise psychology, you will know how important these factors to success are. The faster the progression of desired skill or ability and the fewer struggles against physical discomfort, the more chances a practitioner will keep training and finally achieve the set goals.

Faster Healing and Recovery from training.

This one was a pleasantly surprising side effect that we discovered along the way. People practicing the system, reported faster recovery from their sports training, regardless if it was body building, volleyball, martial arts, etc. Retrospectively we realized the reason why. The more flexible one is the less muscular effort is required to perform a skill. May it be a front kick, an overhead throw or a shoulder press; less effort mean less soreness, and faster recovery.

Better overall health and wellbeing.

The exercises taught in ES-PFFTC don't only make your muscles more flexible, but also more relaxed. This concept has been known in China and India for thousands of years. As energy flows through the body, any disruption of the flow will cause ill health. Muscular tension of the primary way, the energy flows is blocked. Depending on where the blockage takes place, certain ailments will correspond. The exercises shown in ES-PFFTC system allow the energy to flow freely. This allows the body's own intelligence to use the energy for healing and restoration.

Great feeling of freedom

One of the greatest freedoms you can ever feel is the freedom of natural movement. No restrictions on what your body can do. No stopping on where your limbs can go. Simple example of freedom of movement is squatting all the way down with your heels on the floor, without losing posture. Picking something from the floor, without having to bend and endanger your back, or reaching with your arm behind your back just to scratch an itchy spot. No pain, no restriction, just easy free movement.

Improved athletic performance.

Most common misconception is that only certain athletes need flexibility. When thinking of flexibility, which athletic activities do you think need free Range of Motion? Most common answers would be, dance, gymnastics, martial arts, figure skating, and the like. Throwing and overhead sports such as baseball, javelin, and football may also be listed for their obvious upper body flexibility requirements. However, there is no physical activity whose performance can't improve as a result of increased Range of Motion. The video below illustrates this point.

Awareness of one's own body.

Flexibility is like money. Having it is great, but you get the real benefit when you use it. To be able to actually enjoy your flexibility, you need to develop awareness.

The largest problem for people who become flexible in their 20's, 30,'s and all the way up to 80's and even 90's is that they lost the so called "feeling in their bodies". A good example of this sometimes happens in physical therapy. Through various modalities a therapist increases patient ROM, beyond their normal range. So now the flexibility is there, but it can't be used, it can't be enjoyed. The person hasn't been in these ranges for many years (if ever) that they can't go into those ranges unassisted by themselves and they can't get out of them. Not to mention function while there.

What good is your ability to bring your arm straight over your head, if the only way it can happen is with therapist manual assistance. Now you have the Range of Motion to reach up to the top shelve to get something, but you don't have the awareness of how to do it. You can't lift your arm up there, although you have the flexibility to do so. You can't grab a box of pasta and bring it down. Your new flexibility is useless and soon to be lost. This is an everyday example, but applies just a well to athletes who have don't have the awareness.

For this reason, ES-PFFTC system brings the awareness with every new degree of flexibility gain. Also, it's important to understand that becoming more aware helps to accelerate the flexibility gains in return.

How is ES-PFFTC different than all the other systems out there?

Let's look at some of the component of this system:

Kinesiological Stretching using Leverage Systems of Target and Leverage.:

Kinesiological Stretching a Trademarked and Copywrited concept, developed through ElasticSteel research by Paul Zaichik. The techniques used are almost impossible to describe without showing, simply because there is nothing to compare them to.

Nothing like this has ever existed before. The purpose of Kinesiological Stretching techniques is to avoid the stretch reflex, while increasing the range of motion of a specific muscle. This is strikingly different from previously known stretching techniques, which look to increase the ROM in a specific degree of freedom of a joint or group of joints. (Hip Flexion, shoulder rotation, neck extension, etc.)

Kinesiological stretching simultaneously increases the flexibility of a muscle in all its actions, using the reversible system of targets and leverages. This allows the stretch reflex to be avoided. Using other techniques in ES-PFFTC, all the muscles used in specific movement or restricting a specific movement are then moved together, being first lengthen individually.

Extended Length Conditioning

This technique of movement of the targeted muscles in their deep, usually new ranges. There are two purposes to this technique. One is to strengthen the muscles in the ranges it has not been before, so that later greater flexibility would be allowed. Two is making the new, previously unattainable territory, nice and comfortable. After all what is the point of becoming more flexible, just to lose this new flexibility short time after you have finished stretching, just start from square one the next day. If you want to keep it, it needs to become your second nature. And this is what Extended Length Conditioning is all about.

Reciprocal Inhibition

This concept has been around for at least a few decades, as specific technique to stretching. However it's been hardwired into our muscloscleletal system forever. ElasticSteel reserch has perfect this method. Correct breathing, length of time, number of repetitions, angles of pull, for each muscle groups etc.

Muscle sequencing

This concept has also been around for a decade or so. In the past is has been very general, and still effective, despite it's lack of specificity. Adductors for examples were known to assist in flexion of the hips, so the former were stretched first. We have taken this method further, isolating each of the muscles. The sequencing is build into Kinesiological Stretching, making the later even more effective.

Pressure Release

Since its early days, ElasticSteel flexibility program contained different forms of pressure applications, such as massage, acupressure, rolling, etc. Massage has been tested to improve the effectiveness of any stretch, even a basic relaxed stretch. However, there are many different ways to apply the pressure. Our method teaches hands free, gravity driven ball massage, directed through points known to store tension.

Breathing, Relaxation and Visualization

These three techniques come from Yoga. Even relaxed stretches become effective, when the breath and mental focus become one with the intention of the exercise. ElasticSteel has experimented with various breathing techniques, as well as visualization and relaxation techniques testing them for their effectiveness in rapid flexibility gains. In ES-PFFTC, we teach what our research has found to be the most effective mental components of stretching.

Putting it all together

As you have heard this and probably witnessed, the whole is greater than sum of its parts. Each of the above components can do wonders, but together they drive flexibility gains with rapid speed. Each one making the other more effective and in turn becomes more effective itself in getting you flexible-fast!

Join the ES-PFFTC revolution today! Sign up for the ES-PFFTC Seminar Now!



"When I was offered a chance to participate in a research for new Elastic Steel project I jumped for opportunity. I always admired Paul's work. I asked to be in a upper body group because I suffered an injury two years ago and never got back full shoulder range of motion. I have done physical therapy, chiropractic and acupuncture and very little results. When I first learned the upper body routine I became very optimistic. I have never seen anyone completely isolate each muscle in the body. On the top of that I have never seen anyone isolate each muscle of the shoulder girdle. I saw right away which muscles I needed to work on. The acupressure using small balls and than very specific stretches did miracles for me just after the first session. I got my full over head shoulder range of motion in 6 weeks. It became completely painless after 2-3 more weeks. Paul told me that it would have happened faster if I was also using other techniques, which were not assigned to my test group. I am happy with my recovery, after almost giving up on ever getting full range of motion after trying hard for 2 years. I think that combination of acupressure and muscle isolation as well as Paul's new kinesiological stretching absolutely the way to go for anyone who wants flexibility. I am very happy to write this review and again many thanks for giving me this opportunity. I am truly blessed to be a part of it." ~ Fran K. Brooklyn


This is a review for lower body group 3. The first thing that is unique about this system is the kinesiological stretching. All the stretches that came before relied on relaxing or contracting and relaxing or forcefully stretching the muscles. Uniqueness of kinesiological stretching is that they don't attack the muscles from all sides at once. Instead they pull the muscle from each one of it's actions one at a time. At the same moment each muscle is isolated and pulled in a way that almost no discomfort is experienced. The little discomfort that occurs sometimes is just a small dose of what can be felt during other types of stretches. The best thing about these techniques is instant gratification. You can see yourself get flexible after a few minutes.

The next best thing in this method is strengthening the body so that flexibility is kept and not lost. The massage part has to be the most painful part. It's a pleasant pain, but still pain. My complete overview of the exercises that I have done with my group is positive. The instruction was always very clear, always to the point. The exercises are based on science. Everything that we did was clearly explained to us, why we do it and where it comes from. My only wish would have been for me to do the whole method and not part of the method. However it's understandable because this is how research is set up with different groups doing different things so that results can be compared. I would definitely like to participate in future research groups and I will keep practicing and teaching what I have learned. As a career training and physical educator, I know something good when I see it. Thank You for the opportunity. Feel free to contact me if you need more gunea pigs.~ Mark B. Queens


"My name is Jenny. I was asked to share my experience working with Paul's group. I was excited to participate in Paul's research, when I first heard about it. As a runner I have always been very tight. I have tried yoga and regular track and field stretches and neither have done much to improve my situation in the past. I was super optimistic to have a chance to work with Paul and pick his brain. At first I was disappointed to be in the 5th group to be honest, when I saw what we were going to be doing. The stretches looked very much like yoga. I talked to Paul and he explaned to me that my group will be working on breathing and visualization, instead of more advanced techniques and I will still see the results, if I stick around. In retrospect I am glad, I did not leave. We worked on basic stretches, while using deep breathing and holding various images in our minds. The reason I thought it was not going to work is because I did similar exercise before to no avail. However learning how to be in the moment and how to feel the muscles and relax them made all the difference in my stretching. When I learned to be calm the muscles began to leg go with every breath. It's an amazing feeling to have control over my body. I became calmer at work. My husband and children were amazed at how I changed. I think I got lucky to be in this group. I became a lot more flexible, maybe not as flexible as people who practiced the exercise in other groups, but I became much more balanced in my mind. I am looking forward to taking the seminar when it will become available, because I still want to learn the complete set of exercises. For now I am very happy to practice what I have learned. Many thinks for having me in your research" ~Jenny C., Staten Island


"Cutting edge material. Paul has created and assembled the very best Elasticsteel has to offer. I have read almost every book there is on stretching and dozens of articles. The program taught in this seminar is absolutely the best hands down. Nothing comes close. It worked like a charm even for my tightest muscles." -Jaime Lynn T. Yonkers, NY